Finding the Middle Ground

Often, life can feel like we’re living in one of two extremes.

Like a pendulum swinging left and right, barely pausing while we’re in the middle between:

  • Striving or coasting

  • Work life or home life

  • Micro-manager or macro-manager

  • Over the moon or under the weather

...The list goes on.

Life is a wide spectrum of events with a variance of highs and lows.

It reminds me of flying. Hours of boredom interrupted by fear gripping turbulence. Two extremes: adrenaline rush or utter monotony.

As a leader, there is something to be said about being consistent. About not flying off the handle one day, then being calm and mellow the next. Consistency breeds trust.

I think we need to live in both worlds, with one foot in each camp. If we choose to live in the middle ground, we can bring calm out of chaos, and consistency where there is none - as well as being spontaneous and doing the unexpected.  

Giving it our all or giving it our nothing, that’s no way to live. A successful life is a balanced life.

Let’s find the middle ground.



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