Dealing With Pressure

We’ve all been through times of pressure and stress, and we all have our own ways of dealing with it.

Here are a few things that I tell myself when the going gets rough.

When the pressure is on, don’t change what you say, how you act, or who you are.

There’s something to be said about being consistent. Nobody likes the leader that is quiet and mellow one day, and then flies off the handle the next. The people that I look up to the most in life, are those that in times of extreme pressure and stress don’t cave and run into a corner or conversely blame everyone else around them. They choose to stand tall, put a smile on their face and strategically attack each problem one step at a time. It comes back to the rule of “respond, don’t react”.

Believe that what you’ve been doing is the right approach and that results will follow.

Sometimes it can feel like all of your hard work is going to waste, and all the effort that nobody sees is for naught. But, you never know when you are just around the corner from a breakthrough or only one swing away from striking gold. The reality is, we are impatient beings and it just takes time for changes to have an impact and deliver the corresponding results. In the meantime don’t veer off course, trust your gut instincts and follow through to the end.

Make sure to breathe, take a step back and don’t let pressure overwhelm you.

Just breathe. Often that’s all it takes. If you are down in the weeds with a problem for too long, it can feel like the walls are closing in and there’s no way out. Stop what you are doing, go for a walk, clear your head and take a deep breath. Rinse and repeat.

Are you stressed, or do you just have lot on?
This is one that my dad taught me. If your list is piling up and the deadlines are creeping up on you, instead of stressing yourself out, ask the question, “Am I really stressed? Or do I just have a lot on my plate?” Lots of small achievable tasks compounded together can feel like an impossible one. Try thinking pragmatically and working down the list at a reasonable pace. You’ll find that the world isn’t really falling apart. The secret sauce is that there are only a select few things that should really stress you out. You’ve just got a lot to do, and that’s ok.

Today it’s easier for me to digest and process a problem that only a year ago would have overwhelmed me.

I hope this helps you like it’s helped me.



Manage Up, Manage Down, Manage All Around


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